the Lord’s day Gatherings
The primary and most frequent way that we fulfill the “one another’s” commanded in the scriptures is during our Sunday morning gathering. We make this time an essential part of everything we do as a church in hopes that we devote ourselves to the teaching of the Word, the fellowship with one another, observing the ordinances of the church (Baptism and The Lord’s Supper), and praying together as the people of God.
Sunday Service - 10:00 am
Men’s and Women’s Ministry
Each week, the people of our church meet together and discuss what God has done in his word and what he is doing today. They meet to study the Scriptures, share testimonies with one another, confess sin, and pray for one another. This is open to any who would like to attend.
Women’s Ministry - 1st Tuesday of every month @7:00 pm.
Men’s Ministry - 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month @7:00 pm.
We believe that everyone is being discipled and indoctrinated by something. Whether in righteousness or wickedness, there is always something or someone informing the way we live and act. We hope to let that thing be the Word of God. We seek to be an advocate for a biblical model of discipleship as set forward in 2 Timothy 2:2. We desire that everyone in our body be in an intentional discipleship relationship.
If you are interested in discipleship, if you have never been discipled, or if you want to know more about what discipleship is, please contact us. We would love to meet with you and discuss this further.